The charge you incur for support will range all the way from zero dollars to more than $100 dollars. It just depends on how much you use it. Many sites offer "free support" but you end up paying for that support through a per-person fee. When you include set-up fees, you could end up paying over a thousand dollars for a large event where on EventCORE that may only cost you just a couple of hundred dollars. This option gives you more control over your costs. We have many who incur minimal or no support costs.
The following support options for EventCORE are offered:
Self-Support: If you choose to just use the help center, set-up screens, manage your own payments and do not create any support tickets, the only cost for using EventCORE will be to rent server hosting space.
Timed-Support: This option allows for you to be billed just for the support you use. We bill at a set hourly rate* in 5 minute increments. You are not-billed for items that are deemed to have been caused by an error in the EventCORE code. Having now monitored this for a year, around 80% of all requests are completed in the first 5 minute allocation (.e.g for a cost of $6.25). The average site of 200 attendees uses about three tickets per event. So that means that most sites who do use timed support incur a charge of less than $20.
Multi-Event Discount: If you run three or more events per year with EventCORE, you are entitled to a 20% discount on support.
Global Leadership Office Support: Since this tool was developed by the Cru Global Leadership Office, certain sites qualify for ongoing internal support at no charge to the client. These sites must have prior approval.
Custom Programming and Feature Enhancements: These are handled on a case by case basis with an estimate given prior to the commencement of requested work.
All support methods prefer the use of submitting a support ticket to initiate a request, but the Protected Site and Multiple-Site options allow for the use of direct email and chat support.
*For additional information about EventCORE pricing, please view this solution .