The ability to create an "Extra Question" using the Platform 2.0 Interface for EventCORE is due to be completed by December 1, 2014.

In the mean time, you will need to use "Tier 3" support at No Charge to You. 

Please use the "+New Support Ticket" option which should be to the upper right side of this page.

Please explain what you want the question to say, if it is a drop down or what type of response you're looking for.

Tier 3 will work with you to get the question up and published on your site.  Here are the types of question fields you can set up.

Simple Text Box: This would be a question where you simply want a text box to appear where the attendee could enter a short answer. 

Longer Text Area: A small area where a person could enter in a paragraph.

Drop Down Menu: For this you specify the title for the menu and then the options.

Check Box: A checkbox where when clicked, it indicates the response.

So if you wanted to request Tier 3 to enter a 3 question extra question section for you, use this type of format:

#1: What color car will you drive? [_________] Simple text box.

#2: How many years have you attended: 0,1,2,3,4,5 or more A dropdown with those six options.

#3: Is it okay if we take your picture? [] checkbox.

#4: Please give a brief statement as to why you are attending this event: [  longer text area  ]

Then submit that in the form of a ticket and Tier 3 will work with you to get it set up.

If you have a lot of questions or if you NEED to have control yourself, we will set you up with Legacy Platform access.