We are very open to having audio scripture portions recorded in any language. Here is the process for how it's done.
Listen to Current Examples:
You can listen to how a very popular Website does their recording. You can begin with the Bible Gateway. If you wish to hear an example of how this is read, you can follow this link.
https://www.biblegateway.com/audio/mcconachie/nasb/1John.5 It will begin with auto playing so please have your speakers turned down if you are in a public place.
The play button starts at the beginning of the chapter. You can fast forward it to get to the designated section or you can just listen from the beginning to get a feel for it. If you hear music in the background you can ignore that. We are not going to be adding music since most of the text sections we will read will be quite short.
You can choose from different styles or languages.
Review the Spreadsheet
Attached below is a spreadsheet that contains all of the scripture passages that are to be recorded for Essentials lessons 1-12. Here's what the columns represent.
ID = internal line ID number.
lsn = Lesson number (internal use, do not change).
code = the digital ID code for this passage.
words = the number of words in this passage
text = the actual text that is to be read.
Recording Your Audio
The process for recording would be to record one row from the spreadsheet as a single track. It should be recorded in .mp3 format with a bit rate of at least 64kbs.
The file should have the same name as the code column. So if you record the first one from 1 John 5 verse 11 it would be named: 1jo5_11.mp3 The first three letters are an abbreviation for the book. The remaining characters tell you the chapter and verse. They are separated by an underscore. So in this case chapter five, verse 11. Even if you were to go more than one verse, the code stays the same.
Each line (and that code) on the spreadsheet becomes a separate audio file.
Saving Your Audio
Use the "Submit a Ticket" button in the upper right to let us know you're interested in doing an audio recording. We will then give you access to a shared directory to where you can upload your files.
Here are a few guidelines for doing the recording:
20 TIPS for Better Voice Quality and Habits
- Breathe. Sometimes we forget to breathe when under stress; not good for voice production. Conscious breathing will help support your voice and lend your voice more clarity and volume.
- Before you begin, especially if it is in the morning, sing or hum out loud to limber up your voice.
- Be sure to keep breathing.
- Loosen your shoulders. Raise them up, up, up, and then let them fall. Slowly turn your neck to one side and then the other, giving it a good stretch. Keep that feeling of relaxation in your neck and shoulders.
- Loosen your face. Open your mouth as wide as you can. Work your jaw up and down. Widen your eyes as wide as you can. Smile broadly. Release any tension you notice anywhere in your face.
- Breathe. Sip lukewarm liquid. Do not clear your voice repeatedly, or you will make matters worse.
- Open your mouth wider as you speak. This helps with volume and with enunciation.
- Breathe before you begin.
- Open your mouth wide enough to articulate clearly.
- End each sentence with full voice and a downward inflection.
- Be sure to keep breathing.
- You can learn to project your voice without straining it by breathing from the diaphragm.
- Slow down just slightly, enough to allow a slight pause between words and sentences.
- Stretch yourself to see just how entertaining and dramatic you can make your voice. Over time you will become more comfortable with a wider range.
- Be sure to keep breathing.
- Slow down for important points. By slowing your speech rate while delivering your key points, you can convey emphasis and importance.
- Speed up when you want to share your excitement, or when telling a story for illustration.
- Stand up when you speak. It gives your voice more power.
- Smile when you speak. Listeners can hear it in your voice.
- And breathe!